December 19, 2023

Conflict and character backgrounds developed. Teacher feedback on UI, spaceship. Quint setup, AI fixes, color-blind UI tested.

October 6, 2023 - October 12, 2023

Steps Taken

12 Conflict have been made and connected to the storyline.
The humans and alien civilizations have each a detailed background.
Got teacher feedbakc for UI, 3D enviroment and spaceship.
Quint is set-up in the onedrive and planning.
Sticky arrow and the different possible interaction with the object have been made.
Problems with the AI are fixed and jumping mechanics for the AI have been made.
Second version of UI is implemented.
The 3D model of the interior of the spaceship is finished.
A sword as experiment had been created.
UI is tested with color blind situations.  
More 3D models of plants have been made.
Feedback of assesors regarding blogging style.
Spacehsip warping effect is created in more detail.
Experiments with hologram shader effects.
Experimenting with different shaing effect.
Experimentation with post processing coloration.
Scene color experimentation and changes.

Challenges Faced

Zbrush crashed several times for one of the artist precenting him from making lots of progress > searching online how to solve it, almost fixed probaly has to due with export settings.
Sticky combination was diffcult to create due to the many combinations > after lots of experimentation it was possible to create an effective way to make each combination exist and work.
3D models stand to much out from the grass > teachers don't really know how to fix it either so we have to experiment more.

The scene that had been recoloured gained lots of postive feedback from Iain Douglas.  The plants are very consistent in style and the light set-up is well done.

Iain Douglas gave feedback on the branding and UI stating that it looked good and consistend and

to keep haptic feedback in mind to elevate the interaction and feeling of the UI.

AI is following the player by jumping to a platform.

Glue arrow and combinations with different objects work very well, like this stack of bricks.

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