December 19, 2023

October 20, 2023 - November 9, 2023

Steps Taken

  • The Brand style stytem is almost finished which will form the backbone of the look and feel of our game studio.
  • Design choices have been made regarding the spaceship based on a concept drawing.
  • The outside of the spaceship is currently moddeled.
  • Design choices have been made regarding level design through having a brainstrom session.
  • Everyone had peer reviewed eachother.
  • Management was peer reviewed and is actively trying to improve it.
  • Trimsheets of spaceships are now consistent due to having reached the point of matching the right art style.
  • 3D model of the bow used by the player is being made.
  • Various effects for the arrows have been made like area Ice effect, area Glue effect, Thrusther smoke effect.
  • Freezing effects have been made for the enemey and cubes of ice that encapsulate frozen objects.
  • Level design blockout and painting has been done in unreal.
  • Archery team activity has been done.
  • A big discussion had been held regarding the invindual viewpoint regarding the business.
  • Milestones, requirments and deadlines have been set for the business and various prototypes that will be made along the way.
  • We contact Nitendo to get hopefully resposne regarding creating an enverioment that feels coherent.
  • It has been chosen to make a gameplay based game instead of story based due to the limite time, people and other resources.
  • HTC had been contacted to figure out of collaberation is possible but due to various intern reasons this was sadly not possible for HTC.
  • Everybody gots tickets for immersive tech week to find new possible publishers.
  • We are now enrolled in HBO Law study Advice to get advice for out IP's and copyrights.
  • We planned in a meeting with somebody of Level-up to get a business choaching session.
  • More spaceship collosions have been add.
  • Improvement of glue, ice and normal arrow and bug fixing.
  • New thruster arrow has been add and integrated into the game.
  • Linked all values to the save game future.
  • Implementation of mp4 videos for spaceship UI.
  • Animation and start scene creation.
  • Seamless level transitioning.

Challenges Faced

  • Maya kept on crashing for various artists > this has now been fixed by downloading an older version of Maya 2022.
  • Character creation is very time consuming some thing we can not afford > ask an other dedicated character artist to help us out.  

We finnaly decided on a name and with that comes the design of  a logo and final adjustments to the brand style.

The trim sheets are slowly starting to cover the inside of the spaceship give a real sci-fi feeling to it.

The enviroment below shows experimentation of different mushrooms and plants. Currently we removed some of the dots trying to create more coherence by making the textures more blunt and singular.

The outside of the spaceship start slowly to take shape based on the concept art.

In the image below it is visible how the 3D model of the bow is being created for the playtest.

Below can be seen effect from different arrow types: Enemey turned into Ice, Ice Arrow effect and Thruther effect.

A start has been made with blocking out the level Design

Various efforts are being made to visualize the look of the enemy character. Below on the left the Orginal Aliens, on the right Alien with plants growing out of it that inhabits Planet A. Underneath a mooboard for one of the enemies. Below that a moodboard for the look of the orginal aliens.

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